The Healthy, Happy

Vegan Program

An 8-week coaching program to ensure you reach your Vegan goals!

“I believe that with guidance, education and support anyone can successfully move over to a Plant-Based Vegan lifestyle and make a difference to both their health, and the health of our planet”

About the program

Improve your health, boost your energy and help the Environment by eating a Plant-Based Diet!

Module 1

Week 1

Explore & Discover

Uncover and explore your motivation to become Vegan and learn valuable mindset shifting tips so that your commitment propels you to success

Module 2

Week 2-4

Delicious Vegan
Eats & Treats

Discover and experiment with new Vegan recipes, cooking techniques and learn fundamental nutrition facts so that you feel confident in the kitchen

Module 3

Week 5-6

Health, Wellbeing & Cooking with Confidence

Further build on your kitchen confidence with more guidance and support and investigate how to Veganise your life with cruelty-free cosmetics and household products to enable informed shopping

Module 4

Week 7-8

Success for You,
Success for All

Deepen your conviction for Veganism through understanding how your new lifestyle benefits our living world so that you feel empowered and ready to enjoy your new found energy!

Not sure yet?

Try My Free 3 Day Meal Plan!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Program work?

Inside The Healthy, Happy Vegan Program you will experience support, information and guidance on how to transition to Veganism by working with me online. Every week we will meet and chat and all of your questions can be answered. The Program works for you if you prefer to stick to a meal plan (I have 21 days of plans with tons of variety) or if you’d prefer help on how to Veganise your favourite foods, that’s possible too. With daily support available if you need it, you can gain confidence in how to make it work for you.

What is included in the Program?
  • 8 Weekly Modules on a wide range of Vegan topics including the latest Vegan nutrition, how to shop and manage social situations. 
  • Weekly Q&A Calls delivered ‘live’ online for discussions & support 
  • Private members only Facebook group for support & weekly activity
  • 50+ tasty recipes, think… curries, burgers, pizza, fajitas + desserts and snacks
  • Lifetime access to all of the above
Can I go at my own pace?

Yes, once enrolled you will have access to all of the content and you can manage the pace of your transition to suit your lifestyle. Of course, you will feel the results faster if you transition during the first few weeks and it is absolutely possible to do so with the support you will receive.

How long will I have access to The Healthy, Happy Vegan Program?

Life-long access! Everybody is different, and I want you to feel fully supported throughout the changes in your lifestyle. You are welcome to join me online whenever and for as long as you need.

Is it easy being Vegan?

It’s a common question I am asked. The answer for me is yes, I find it easy… – BUT I didn’t always feel this way! 

At the beginning, I remember quite clearly struggling with what to eat and feeling confused and also a bit deprived at times. I found myself eating toast or cereal far too often when I just wasn’t prepared. Personally, when I first tried to transition I had no one to talk to and I really didn’t know what I was doing. It might sound stupid, (it does to me!) but I didn’t make a plan or think it through! I just jumped in – and it was really tough going. It was so tough that I ‘failed’ more than once. This led to feelings of disappointment and even shame. I look back now, and hindsight tells me I just needed some support, some help and some idea of how to make delicious meals and make it work for me! 

Like anything new, it’s hard until it’s easy! Sounds cliché, but it’s so true! I have now been Vegan for years and I am so comfortable with checking labels, cooking, preparing and shopping and I have a deep understanding of why I have chosen this ethical lifestyle. I no longer wear leather and I make sure the cosmetics I use are ethical and sustainable. I’m not perfect, and nor am I trying to be. I just chose to live this way because it feels right to me, and feels like a compassionate and conscientious way to live. I didn’t find Veganism until my late 30s, and I often find people think I am judging them – which just isn’t the case. I simply want to reach my hand out to anyone who is intrigued and show them that it doesn’t have to be as hard for them as it was for me. You might just need some support.

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